Mt Best Community Hall

Membership Application

Please take a moment to complete the following form with your details to submit your application for a Mt Best Hall Membership.

More information regarding membership types, inclusions, membership fees. the purposes and rules of the association, and how to become a member can be found HERE.

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Membership Type

Payment of Membership Fees

Full payment of all membership fees are required before a Membership is activated.

The submission of this Membership Application alone does not constitute a valid membership nor entitle the person(s) named on this form to any membership benefits until the full membership fee is also paid.


Membership fee payments should be made via EFT Bank Transfer to the Mount Best Hall bank account:

Account Name: Mount Best Hall

BSB: 633 000

Account No.: 1087 497 22

To ensure prompt processing of your application so that both new and existing members have an active membership and access to all member benefits it is highly recommended that you attach a copy of your payment receipt to this Membership Application. Fees MUST be paid PRIOR to submitting this form if you wish to do this.

Alternatively a copy of the payment receipt can be emailed to the email address that will be supplied in the confirmation email you will receive following the submission of your membership application.

All transaction MUST reference the full (first and last) name of the person submitting this application.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please save a copy of your membership payment receipt to your device. Then drag the file into the box above or navigate to the document in your device to upload it.

Purposes and Rules of the Association

All Members should read the Mt Best Hall's Purposes and Rules of the Association information which can be found HERE.

NOTE. After reading the Purposes and Rules of the Association information you MUST return to this page and both acknowledge that you have read this information AND submit your application.

Membership Application details will not be received by the Hall Committee and Memberships will not be valid if you do not return to this page and continue with the submission of this completed form. If you do not submit the completed form you will not be able to take advantage of the benefits Hall membership provides, such as discounted event tickets, until your application form is completed, submitted, received and approved by the Committee and all Membership Fees are paid in full.

I have read the Purposes and Rules of the Association Information and I agree to support the purposes of the Association and to comply with its rules.

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